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Results for "practice: X-The Mystery"
A Sense of Mystery A prayer to embrace mystery in a way that fosters divine connection.
Embrace Not Knowing An enjoinder not to seek foretelling.
Journey to the Heart A survey that opens us to a deeper appreciation and understanding of Christian mysticism.
Mercury Retrograde On going with the flow as a spiritual discipline.
Journey into Christ A reflection on the excitement and terror of journeying into God's hiddenness.
Telling the Truth Reminders of a truth that lies behind what we ordinarily call "reality."
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Beyond Words Frederick Buechner's exploration of the x-the mystery.
What Would I Believe If I Didn't Believe Anything? On finding mystery in the broken stuff of your life and in the world.
What Would I Believe If I Didn't Believe Anything? An excerpt on underground grace that restores resiliency.